Sunday, October 24, 2010

Great news!!

It's been quite sometime since we've updated this blog. Sorry for that. We have just received a great news from BJC Management, well it's the carpark management actually. They have plan out a new ablution place for women section!! =D we are definitely happy to hear that!! All our efforts seems to pay off!! Among others:

1. They have already put up railings in the women section.
2. They will put concrete chairs outside of the musolla.
3. They will even paint the musolla.
4. They will put the prayer-mats and gear from our previous wakaf project together with new 'telekung' anytime soon.
5. All of this plan will be carried out by this week!

We've disscussed with them earlier on about placing the musolla somewhere easier for public to access, but they say it is impossible to do so. We will keep on monitoring their progress on the new ablution place!

OH! did we mention that Queensbay management has overcome their air conditioning problem?
The air-conditioner is still under maintenance

There's two air-conditioner stationed in this musolla to help reduce the heat in the room.  
We would like to thank everybody out there for your supports!!


1 comment:

  1. caiyok korg!!! good job korg! all the pain is paying off kan? seriously well done job!


This weblog is under the advisory of CP-TAG USM
(CSR and Philanthropy Transdisciplinary Action Group USM)
The chairperson of this project is Dr. Reevany Bustami, Ph.D.