Sunday, August 8, 2010

BJ Complex and Queensbay Mall


Our first ever project is to change the current condition of prayer rooms in three major shopping complexes which are BJ Complex, Prangin Mall and Queensbay Mall. These places might have improved in certain ways especiall Queensbay Mall (they have the best prayer rooms), but still there are slight problems that require the attention of the administration there.

This previous Saturday, we went to take some photos and do some comparisons between the prayer rooms. We managed to finish two (BJ and QB). Unfortunately, Prangin Mall is yet to come. Perhaps we'll upload it in the next entry. To those who never prayed or visited the prayer rooms in these mall, we'll present you the pictures and you can decide for yourself how much they need improvement. We'll kick things off with BJ complex first.

the air conditioning system was down and the size of the room is too small and could barely fit 20 people in there

this needs to be repaired... looks as if it's about to fall onto the floor

even the door seems ancient

it didn't even have a doorknob! 

this is where you're supposed to take wudhu' ! i'd rather climb the stairs and go to the toilet instead

it is situated at the parking lot which is quite a distance from the shopping area and quite hard to find also

BJ Complex has a lot of empty lots on the top floor. they could easily relocate the prayer rooms up there instead of down at the parking lot. We've noticed that the prayer rooms have actually improved this year. they've changed the previous torn carpet to a new one. They've even painted the walls. But still it needs a new location. Some place bigger with improved air conditioning system. The administration needs to put the prayer rooms in a place where it is easy to find. In the near future we will confront the administration about the problems.

Next stop is Queensbay Mall where the prayer rooms are way better minus few problems.

way systematic and comfortable with slippers 

way bigger than BJ's with more 'telekung' and praying mats 

sadly, the ceiling's damaged and no one removed it for weeks

yup no ceiling

From the pictures taken you can see the big difference between the two places. BJ Complex needs a prayer room just like the one in Queensbay Mall. Queensbay Mall's prayer rooms do have some flaws however. The air conditioning system in the female section has been down for more than one month already and the management didn't even bother to repair them. The ceiling's damaged and people could easily get hurt from the pile of ceilings on the floor especially children. Apart from that, the room is big enough to fit many people. The 'telekung' and praying mats are also enough to cater a big crowd at one time. The place to take wudhu' is in an excellent condition!

Then again, we haven't yet seen the prayer rooms in Prangin Mall and we will in these upcoming weeks. Seeing these pictures, you can judge them by yourself and please do tell us what you think. Your opinions are very much welcomed and appreciated! Perhaps we can forward them to the complexes administrations! Thank you for stopping by!


  1. saya dah tak pernah lagi solat dekat bukit jambul..sanggup cepat2 balik ke bilik atau pun pergi ke surau yang lebih baik..Tempat amik wudu' yg berbau hancing sangat2 tak menyenangkan..

    pendapat saya bj kompleks perlu membuat surau yang baru.bukan sahaja org tempatan saja yang singgah membeli belah disitu..tapi pelawat yang dtg ke penang dan ingin membeli belah akan mencari surau untk mereka bersolat..Ini sudah membawa image yang sangat buruk bagi negeri penang..

    bukan untuk kesenangan sekeliling sahaja..tap[i untuk nama baik negeri pulau pinang sendiri..orang hanya ceritakan bnda2 buruk..

  2. bg pendapat sy, tempat tumpuan org ramai macam bj n queensbay sepatutnye ambil berat tentang hal ni..ade lagi 1 tempat yang sy pergi mase mula2 tempat ni buka tahun lps..penang times square..
    xde surau...lagi menyedihkan kerana tidak menyediakan kemudahan asas yang sgt penting..

  3. actually, keadaan surau di BJ Kompleks baru-baru ini boleh dikatakan lebih elok daripada tahun-tahun yang lalu. Pihak pengurusan BJ telah menggantikan karpet yg sebelum ini koyak dan kotor dengan tikar getah baru. Dinding yang sebelum ini berlumut juga telah dicat semula. Kecuali tempat mengambil wudhu'nya sangat tidak memuaskan. Pihak BJ perlu mengalihkan surau mereke ke lokasi baru seperti lot-lot kosong di bahagian atas yang sesuai untuk dijadikan surau.

    humm, kami masih belum berpeluang menjejakkan kaki ke times square penang. terima kasih untuk info ada. dalam masa terdekat kami akan cuba untuk mendapatkan maklumat daripada pihak pengurusan times square.

    thanks for your support!

  4. Aku pernah pergi solat masa zaman aku study kat penang tahun lepas 2010 .. aku harapkan tempat tu dpt diambik oleh pengurusan complex tersebut.. lagi pon ..tempat kita bersolat.. mcm nie ... walaupun pon aku tak study kat penang lagi tetapi mcm dengan sahabat2 kita masih belajar kat penang lagi ..
    apa2 pon tq u atas tindakan nie.. semoga dpt diambik tindakan .. amin ..

    thanks for u all..


This weblog is under the advisory of CP-TAG USM
(CSR and Philanthropy Transdisciplinary Action Group USM)
The chairperson of this project is Dr. Reevany Bustami, Ph.D.